Five Element Acupuncture
a journey of personal integrity
The radical, backwards walk, returning to our relationship with the earth and her seasons…an ancient dance.
How we, as individuals and as diverse humans, define health, is unique. The common uniting force is the Higher Self. As we come into resonance through acupuncture treatment, closer to our knowing of health, we uncover the song of the Self. Body, Mind and Spirit are One. We look at the whole person, to determine treatment. Symptoms are calls for action and also can be calls for cultivating receptivity. Five Element Acupuncture is the steady, stronger and clearer force of homecoming. As we come home to ourselves, pathology finds no opening. The “well-sealed vessel,” the seasons, and our destiny form the highest order for this medicine.
To See
The colors that emit our truth and how we are ordered.
To Listen
Hearing the story of how we got here and the notes of the Elements we intone.
To Smell
The fragrance of how we connect to the Seasons.
To Feel
The emotional, tactile, internal dialogue of the organ systems.